The logo crafted for the Trust represents its service to the humankind and providing promising solutions of various issues like healthcare, education, and old age challenges. It represents both aspects with a blend of fire and a leaf in the layout. Both might seem two extremes but dealing with social service wholeheartedly is not everyone’s cup of tea. The fire...the red color represents the fire one has within him or her to serve the society. On the other, the leaf or the green tone depicts calmness or solution-oriented approach of the trust. It provides the much-needed help to the needy in various fields. It fulfills the gap that one might be having due to lack of funds or their social status, etc. The arrows coming inwardly towards the core of the logo, are a straightforward message of the Trust’s tagline.
आ नो भद्रा: क्रतवो यन्तु विश्वतः
Which means: Let noble thoughts come to us from all directions. The blue circle behind the arrows in the aura the institute creates with its motto. Blue color shows calmness, tranquility, and trust. The sun rays coming from the logo’s core is the light that Hari Anand Trust emits to bring smiles for the people they serve. It brings a ray of hope for them. It gives them second life by allowing them to achieve their goals be in good health or education. They are also a huge support to the old and needy! The fonts used for the Trust name are simple and blue in color. It shows the character of the institute and its approach. Overall, a holistic way to make world a better place.